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/ WWII Attack! from Pearl Harbor to Potsdam / WWII Attack - From Pearl Harbor to Potsdam - Disc 3.iso / mac / US / FDR

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Images (42)

Audio & Music (39)
00003_Sound_born Waveform Audio File Format 13s 150KB 1999-02-01
00005_Sound_mother Waveform Audio File Format 7s 82KB 1999-02-01
00006_Bitmap_dad Waveform Audio File Format 47s 526KB 1999-02-01
00007_Sound_father Waveform Audio File Format 4s 46KB 1999-02-01
00009_Sound_fun Waveform Audio File Format 3s 34KB 1999-02-01
00011_Sound_tavel Waveform Audio File Format 37s 415KB 1999-02-01
00014_Sound_Groton Waveform Audio File Format 34s 377KB 1999-02-01
00018_Sound_harvared Waveform Audio File Format 32s 361KB 1999-02-01
00022_Sound_maried Waveform Audio File Format 7s 87KB 1999-02-01
00026_Sound_return Waveform Audio File Format 41s 461KB 1999-02-01
00032_Sound_state senator Waveform Audio File Format 16s 181KB 1999-02-01
00035_Sound_navy sec Waveform Audio File Format 12s 138KB 1999-02-01
00043_Sound_governor Waveform Audio File Format 6s 67KB 1999-02-01
00048_Sound_Presdienal camaping Waveform Audio File Format 40s 445KB 1999-02-01
00050_Sound_Inauguration Waveform Audio File Format 6s 74KB 1999-02-01
00052_Sound_New Deal Waveform Audio File Format 13s 153KB 1999-02-01
00054_Sound_Reeelction Waveform Audio File Format 38s 430KB 1999-02-01
00056_Sound_Second Ne Deal Waveform Audio File Format 5s 61KB 1999-02-01
00058_Sound_nazis Waveform Audio File Format 41s 457KB 1999-02-01
00064_Sound_chinqa Waveform Audio File Format 20s 225KB 1999-02-01
00066_Sound_court Waveform Audio File Format 11s 122KB 1999-02-01
00070_Sound_Munich Waveform Audio File Format 5s 60KB 1999-02-01
00073_Bitmap_FDR Waveform Audio File Format 8s 95KB 1999-02-01
00074_Sound_When War Waveform Audio File Format 5s 55KB 1999-02-01
00076_Sound_war Waveform Audio File Format 19s 218KB 1999-02-01
00078_Sound_Arsenal Waveform Audio File Format 6s 69KB 1999-02-01
00080_Sound_britian alone Waveform Audio File Format 7s 82KB 1999-02-01
00081_Bitmap_Pearl Harbor Waveform Audio File Format 40s 450KB 1999-02-01
00082_Sound_war comes to Waveform Audio File Format 30s 336KB 1999-02-01
00084_Sound_initial Waveform Audio File Format 41s 457KB 1999-02-01
00085_Sound_warfooting Waveform Audio File Format 13s 149KB 1999-02-01
00086_Bitmap_Hazelwood DD 531 After attack Waveform Audio File Format 40s 449KB 1999-02-01
00087_Sound_war Production Waveform Audio File Format 44s 499KB 1999-02-01
00089_Sound_chruchill Waveform Audio File Format 12s 138KB 1999-02-01
00091_Sound_midway Waveform Audio File Format 7s 83KB 1999-02-01
00094_Sound_churchill Waveform Audio File Format 20s 232KB 1999-02-01
00096_Sound_casablanca Waveform Audio File Format 41s 464KB 1999-02-01
00098_Sound_Yalta Waveform Audio File Format 8s 98KB 1999-02-01
00099_Bitmap_FDR funeral Waveform Audio File Format 35s 394KB 1999-02-01